1 More Day!

You still have many opportunities to help out! Check out the list below for ideas.
Talk to your neighbors about Rhonda Martin
Donate here https://secure.actblue.com/donate/rhondaforiowasenate
Put together your voting plan
Return your absentee ballot: Drop it off at the Election Office, 120 2nd Ave., Des Moines, 8am to 5pm, OR call or text the Polk Dems at 515-207-2589 and a certified volunteer will pick it up and deliver it for you. If you mail your ballot it must be postmarked TODAY November 2 and received by November 9. If you are concerned about it arriving in time, drop it off or have someone else drop it off for you.
Last day to vote early at the Election Office, 120 2nd Ave., Des Moines, 8am to 5pm. You will need to show your ID. https://www.facebook.com/polkcountyelection
If you’re voting tomorrow on Election Day, find your polling location now! https://sos.iowa.gov/elections/voterreg/pollingplace/search.aspx Polls on Tuesday Nov. 3 are open 7am to 9pm