Virtual Fundraiser for Cindy Axne and Rhonda Martin! Oct. 14, 7:15pm

Please Save the Date for our upcoming Virtual Fundraiser for Congresswoman Cindy Axne (IA-03) and Rhonda Martin, Nominee for Iowa Senate District 20 with special guest, Shannon Watts, Gun Violence Prevention Advocate and Founder of Moms Demand Action! Flipping the Suburbs Blue in 2020 will be key to both flipping the Iowa Legislature and keeping Congresswoman Cindy Axne in the United States House of Representatives.
It is coming up Wednesday, October 14th from 7:15 pm to 8:15 pm. Host Committee is in formation.
The suggested minimum to attend is $50 with donation levels at $100 Activist, $250 Friend, $500 Sponsor, $1,000 Host, and $2,800 Champion.
Please RSVP online here:
Link to Join AND Dial-in Number provided upon RSVP
Questions? Please contact Alison Gilbert at or (515) 318-8204
If you would prefer to contribute via check, please mail checks to each individual campaign:
Cindy Axne for Congress, PO Box 65551, West Des Moines, IA 50265
Friends of Rhonda Martin, 5501 Garrison Ct. Johnston, IA, 50131
Facebook event page:
Please be aware that Cindy Axne for Congress (the “Campaign”) will be videotaping, recording and taking photographs during this virtual event. By entering into or in any way participating in the virtual event, you irrevocably consent to and authorize the Campaign, and its agents and licensees, to make photographs, videotapes and other recordings of your voice and likeness (“Materials”) and to use the Materials, or any portion thereof, in any and all manner and media and for any purpose without compensation. Unless you have obtained prior approval from the Campaign, you also agree to not record, reproduce, transmit or stream from the virtual event, in any manner or by any means whatsoever, any portion of, or the entirety of, the event, including making any photographs, videotapes or other recordings. Any video, recordings, photographs or other media of any kind generated during the virtual event shall be the sole property of the Campaign, and you irrevocably release the Campaign and anyone acting under its authorization from any and all liability or claims in connection with such usage. You understand and agree that the Campaign will proceed in reliance upon such grant and release and that such rights are therefore irrevocable and granted in perpetuity.
Virtual Fundraiser for Cindy Axne and Rhonda Martin! Oct. 14, 7:15pm Read More »